Ready to learn more about bitcoin mining? Welcome to Liquihash — the bitcoin mining company that utilized your excess energy sources to increase profits. Don’t let good energy go to waste — maximize your revenue streams by working with Liquihash to create & manage a bitcoin mine on excess energy sources.

Liquihash is a bitcoin mining company that focuses on modification of under-utilized or under-valued energy sources. We help build grid resilience and ultimately have less water energy. Instead of letting good energy go to waste during times where it’s not profitable to sell, use it to power a bitcoin mine that can help increase your company profits.

Liquihash was started because the founder, Nic Campesi, realized that there are many energy sources out there with excess that have an opportunity to utilize this extra energy to contribute to their profits. Most energy sources go through times where it’s profitable to create and sell energy, and times where it’s not profitable to create and sell energy. During times of low profitability, directing the energy source to power a bitcoin mine is a great way to continue creating energy that can be sold.

Bitcoin mining is the process of adding transactions to the bitcoin blockchain. As the bitcoin mine, which is a computer, powers these transactions, your account will be awarded with bitcoin. This is a great opportunity for those with excess energy sources because they can keep their energy sources running to power a bitcoin mine that is rewarded with bitcoin, instead of shutting down the operation or even losing money by staying active through the unprofitable era.

Nic has become an industry leader in bitcoin mining operations that are powered by excess energy sources. Nic and his team of bitcoin mine professionals are ready to help you earn more profits through the utilization of bitcoin mining with your excess energy source.

Liquihash creates & manages bitcoin mines for clients, which is a site-specific process. We create custom plans according to the client’s needs. The company is ready to create, manage, or even pay you for your excess energy source.

Any energy source can power a bitcoin mine, with one of Liquihash’s custom plans. Wind farms, hydro dams, nuclear power plants, even natural gas wells can power a bitcoin mine.

Liquihash creates & manages bitcoin mines, but it can also be arranged where the client sells their excess energy to Liquihash to power their own bitcoin mines. These strategies are utilized so anyone with excess energy can feel comfortable in utilizing it to power a bitcoin mine facility.

When a bitcoin mine is created, Liquihash can either write your company a monthly check or even have the energy selling process leased to Liquihash. If we create a system for you and you wish to manage it, you can reward yourself in bitcoin and even sell it on a daily basis to convert it to cash. It all depends on what your company needs.

Investors can either be very involved in the bitcoin mining process or the client can allow Liquihash to create and even manage the bitcoin mine so they can act as a hands-off investor.

Ready to start utilizing your excess energy to power a bitcoin mine? Check out the Liquihash website to learn more.